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The Merchant of Venice: Dramatis Personae

Please see Shakespeare's Characters A to Z for a complete pronunciation guide.

The Duke of Venice

The Prince of Morocco, suitor to Portia

The Prince of Arragon, suitor to Portia

Antonio, a merchant of Venice

Bassanio, his friend, suitor likewise to Portia

Salanio, Salarino, Gratiano, Salerio, friends to Antonio and Bassanio

Lorenzo, in love with Jessica

Shylock, a rich Jew

Tubal, a Jew, his friend

Launcelot Gobbo, the clown, servant to Shylock

Old Gobbo, father to Launcelot

Leonardo, servant to Bassanio

Balthasar, Stephano, servants to Portia

Portia, a rich heiress

Nerissa, her waiting maid

Jessica, daughter to Shylock

Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaoler, servants to Portia

Scene: partly at Venice, and partly at Belmont, the seat of Portia, on the Continent

Next: The Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 1