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Richard III

Please see the bottom of this page for full explanatory notes.

ACT IV SCENE III Another Room in the Palace. 
[Enter TYRREL]
TYRRELThe tyrannous and bloody deed is done.
The most arch of piteous massacre
That ever yet this land was guilty of.
Dighton and Forrest, whom I did suborn
To do this ruthless piece of butchery,
Although they were flesh'd villains, bloody dogs,
Melting with tenderness and kind compassion
Wept like two children in their deaths' sad stories.
'Lo, thus' quoth Dighton, 'lay those tender babes:'
'Thus, thus,' quoth Forrest, 'girdling one another10
Within their innocent alabaster arms:
Their lips were four red roses on a stalk,
Which in their summer beauty kiss'd each other.
A book of prayers on their pillow lay;
Which once,' quoth Forrest, 'almost changed my mind;
But O! the devil--there the villain stopp'd
Whilst Dighton thus told on: 'We smothered
The most replenished sweet work of nature,
That from the prime creation e'er she framed.'
Thus both are gone with conscience and remorse;20
They could not speak; and so I left them both,
To bring this tidings to the bloody king.
And here he comes.
All hail, my sovereign liege!
KING RICHARD IIIKind Tyrrel, am I happy in thy news?
TYRRELIf to have done the thing you gave in charge
Beget your happiness, be happy then,
For it is done, my lord.
KING RICHARD IIIBut didst thou see them dead?
TYRRELI did, my lord.
KING RICHARD IIIAnd buried, gentle Tyrrel?
TYRRELThe chaplain of the Tower hath buried them;
But how or in what place I do not know.30
KING RICHARD IIICome to me, Tyrrel, soon at after supper,
And thou shalt tell the process of their death.

Meantime, but think how I may do thee good,
And be inheritor of thy desire.
Farewell till soon.
The son of Clarence have I pent up close;
His daughter meanly have I match'd in marriage;
The sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom,
And Anne my wife hath bid the world good night.
Now, for I know the Breton Richmond aims40
At young Elizabeth, my brother's daughter,
And, by that knot, looks proudly o'er the crown,
To her I go, a jolly thriving wooer.
KING RICHARD IIIGood news or bad, that thou comest in so bluntly?
CATESBYBad news, my lord: Ely is fled to Richmond;
And Buckingham, back'd with the hardy Welshmen,
Is in the field, and still his power increaseth.
KING RICHARD IIIEly with Richmond troubles me more near
Than Buckingham and his rash-levied army.50
Come, I have heard that fearful commenting
Is leaden servitor to dull delay;
Delay leads impotent and snail-paced beggary
Then fiery expedition be my wing,
Jove's Mercury, and herald for a king!
Come, muster men: my counsel is my shield;
We must be brief when traitors brave the field.

Richard III, Act 4, Scene 4


Explanatory Notes for Act 4, Scene 3
From King Richard III. Ed. Brainerd Kellogg. New York: Clark & Maynard.

Abbreviations. — A.-S. = Anglo-Saxon: M.E. = Middle English (from the 13th to the 15th century) ; Fr. = French ; Ger. = German ; Gr. = Greek ; Cf. = compare (Lat. confer) ; Abbott refers to the excellent Shakespearean Grammar of Dr. Abbott; Schmidt, to Dr. Schmidt's invaluable Shakespeare Lexicon.


2. Arch, chief (in wickedness).

6. Flesh'd villains, hardened in villainy. To flesh a dog was to reward him with a portion of the first game which he killed.

18.Replenished, perfect.

19. Prime, first.

30. It was generally supposed that Tyrrel ordered the two princes to be buried at the foot of the stairs leading to the chamber in which they were murdered. During some repairs in 1674, the workmen discovered about ten feet deep, under a staircase in the White Tower, the bones of two boys of about twelve years of age, which were supposed to be those of the two princes. The bones were interred in Westminster Abbey, by order of Charles II.

31. At after-supper. After-supper may be a prepositional compound (like after-noon), meaning the slighter repast which followed the more substantial meal; or at after may merely be equivalent to after, as clearly in Chaucer's Squieres Tale, 302: "At-after soper goth this noble king."

33. Abraham's bosom, a euphemism for the grave.

40. Breton, because he had fled for refuge to Brittany.

46. Bishop of Ely, who was kept in the custody of Buckingham at Brecknock, but made his escape to Richmond, He was afterwards made Archbishop of Canterbury.

50. Rash-levied, hastily collected.

51. Fearful commenting, timid reasoning.

51-55. Timid thoughts are accompanied by tardy movements and indolent delay: delay brings along with it weakness and ruin, therefore let my policy be one of fiery enterprise and fierce dispatch.

56. My counsel is my shield, I do not deliberate, but fight.

How to cite the explanatory notes:
Shakespeare, William. Richard III. Ed. Brainerd Kellogg. New York: Clark & Maynard, 1886. Shakespeare Online. 20 Feb. 2014. < >.


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