Shakespeare Glossary: G
GABERDINE: a loose outer coat, or smock frock.
GAD: a sharp spike.
GAIN-GIVING: misgiving.
GAIT: going, steps.
GALLIARD: a kind of dance.
GALLIASSE: a kind of ship.
GALLIMAUFRY: a ridiculous medley.
GALLOW: to scare.
GALLOWGLASS: soldiers formerly maintained by Irish chiefs.
GAMESTER: a frolicsome person.
GARBOIL: disorder, uproar.
GARISH: gaudy, staring.
GARNER: to lay by, as corn in a barn.
GAST: frightened.
GAUDY: festive.
GAZE: an object of wonder.
GEAR: matter of business of any kind.
GECK: a fool.
GENERAL: the generality, common people.
GENERATIONS: children.
GENEROSITY: noble birth.
GENEROUS: noble.
GENTILITY: good manners.
GENTLE: gentlefolk.
GENTLE: noble.
GENTLE: to ennoble.
GENTRY: complaisance, conduct becoming gentlefolk.
GERMAN: akin.
GERMEN: seed, embryo.
GEST: period.
GIB: a he-cat.
GIFTS: talents, endowment.
GIGLOT: a wanton girl.
GILDER: a coin.
GILT: money.
GIMMAL: double.
GIMMOR: contrivance.
GING: gang.
GIRD: to gibe.
GIRD: a sarcasm or gibe.
GLEEK: to scoff.
GLEEK: a scoff.
GLOSE: to comment; hence, to be garrulous.
GLUT: to swallow.
GNARL: to snarl.
GOOD-DEED: indeed.
GOOD-DEN: good-evening, contracted from 'Good-even.'.
GORBELLIED: corpulent.
GOURD: a species of game of chance.
GOUT: a drop.
GOVERNMENT: discretion.
GRACIOUS: abounding in grace Divine.
GRAINED: engrained.
GRAMERCY: int. grand mercy, much thanks.
GRANGE: the farmstead attached to a monastery.
GRATILLITY: used ridiculously for 'gratuity.'.
GRATULATE: to congratulate.
GRAVE: to bury.
GREASILY: grossly.
GREEK: a bawd.
GREEN: immature, fresh, unused.
GREENLY: foolishly.
GREET: to weep.
GRIZE: a step.
GROSSLY: palpably.
GROUNDLING: one who sits in the pit of a theatre.
GROWING: accruing.
GUARD: decoration.
GUARD: to decorate.
GUARDAGE: guardianship.
GUINEA-HEN: the pintado, a cant term.
GULES: red, a term in heraldry.
GULF: the throat.
GUN-STONE: a cannon ball.
GUST: taste, relish.
GYVE: to fetter.