Shakespeare Glossary: M
MACE: staff carried by a sergeant.
MACHINE: bodily frame.
MACULATE: stained, polluted.
MAD-BRED: produced by madness.
MADE-UP: accomplished (Tim.5.1.103).
MADRIGAL: short lyrical poem.
MAGNIFICO: the chief magistrate at Venice.
MAGOT-PIE: a magpie.
MAHU: name of a daemon.
MAID-PALE: white-complexioned.
MAIL: covered as with a coat of mail.
MAIN-COURSE: a sea-term for the mainsail.
MAINLY: forcible, violently.
MAINTENANCE: bearing, demeanour.
MAKE: to do up, bar.
MALKIN: untidy servant-woman, slut.
MALLECHO: mischief.
MALMSEY: a sweet fortified wine originally made in Greece.
MALMSEY-BUTT: a cask of sweet wine containing the heads of two hogs.
MALMSEY-NOSE: red-nosed.
MALT-HORSE: heavy kind of horse - used as a term of abuse.
MAMMERING: wavering, hesitating.
MAMMETS: a doll or puppet; woman's breasts.
MAMMOCK: to break into fragments.
MAN: to tame a hawk.
MANAGE: management.
MANDRAGORA: mandrake, the poisonous plant.
MANDRAKE: poisonous plant known for its narcotic properties.
MANE: used to describe the crests of waves.
MANKIND: having a masculine nature.
MAN-QUELLER: murderer.
MANTLE (1): vegetable coating on the surface of stagnant water.
MANTLE (2): vb. to cover, envelope.
MAPPERY: map-making.
MARBLE (1): metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone or dolomite.
MARBLE (2): hard-hearted.
MARCANTANT: corruption of 'merchant'.
MARCHES: frontiers, borders.
MARCHPANE: a kind of sweet biscuit made of almond-paste.
MARGENT: margin; edge, border.
MARISH: marsh, swamp.
MARL: clay, earth.
MARMOSET: small monkey.
MARRY (1): vb. to join closely.
MARRY (2): name of the Blessed Virgin used as an oath.
MARRY TRAP: an oath.
MARSHALSEA: prison in Southwark.
MART: meeting of people to exchange goods; traffic; bargain.
MARTLEMAS: the Feast of St. Martin.
MARTLET: swallow or house-martin.
MASTERDOM: absolute control.
MATCH: an appointment.
MATE: to confound, dismay.
MEACOCK: tame, cowardly.
MEALED: mingled.
MEAN: instrument used to promote an end.
MEAN: the tenor part in a harmony.
MEAN: opportunity, power.
MEASURE: distance of a fencer from his opponent; limit; moderation; metre; dance; to judge; to tread.
MEAZEL: a leper, spoken in contempt of a mean person.
MEDAL: a portrait in a locket.
MEDICINE: a physician.
MEED: reward, hire.
MEHERCLE: by Hercules.
MEINY: retinue.
MELL: to mix, to meddle.
MEMORISE: to cause to be remembered.
MEPHISTOPHILUS: the name of a familiar spirit.
MERCATANTE: a foreign trader.
MERELY: simply, absolutely.
MESS: a company of four.
METAPHYSICAL: supernatural.
METE-YARD: measuring-wand.
MEW UP: to confine.
MICHER: a truant.
MICKLE: much.
MILK-LIVERED: cowardly.
MILKY: timid, weak.
MILL-SIXPENCE: a milled sixpence.
MIMIC: burlesque actor.
MINCE: to do any thing affectedly.
MINCING: affected.
MIRTH: fun; object of merriment.
MISCREATE: illegitimate.
MISDOUBT: to suspect.
MISERY: avarice.
MISPRISE: to despise.
MISPRISION: mistake.
MISSIVE: messenger.
MISTHINK: to think ill of.
MISTRESS: the jack in bowling.
MOBLED: muffled.
MODERN: commonplace.
MODULE: a model, image.
MOE: and more. Of frequent occurrence.
MOIETY: a portion; small part, lesser portion.
MOME: a stupid person.
MOMENTANY: momentary.
MONTHS-MIND: a monthly commemoration of the dead.
MOOD: anger.
MOON-CALF: a nick-name applied to Caliban.
MOONISH: inconstant.
MOP: nod.
MORISCO: a Moor.
MORRIS-PIKE: Moorish-pike.
MORT: death; sound of the horn signalling the slaughter of game.
MORT-DU-VINAIGRE: a ridiculous oath.
MORTAL: fatal, deadly.
MORTIFIED: ascetic.
MOSE: a doubtful word, applied to some disease.
MOTION: solicitation.
MOTION: a puppet.
MOTIVE: one who moves.
MOTLEY: or the many-coloured coat of a fool.
MOUSE-HUNT: a weasel.
MOW: to make grimaces.
MOY: imaginary name of a coin in Hen. V.
MUCH: approximately.
MUNITION: military stores.
MURE: a wall.
MURRAIN: plague.
MUSCADEL: strong sweet wine.
MUSET: a gap in a fence or shrub
MUST: a scramble.
MUTINE: to mutiny.
MUTINE: a mutineer.
MYRMIDON: from the warlike race of Thessaly.