Shakespeare Glossary: P
PACK: to conspire; a gang.
PACK: to depart; load.
PADDOCK: a toad.
PAID: punished.
PALE: to enclose.
PALL: to cover as with a pall.
PALLED: impaired.
PALLIAMENT: white gown of a Roman official.
PALMER: one who bears a palm-branch.
PALMY: victorious.
PARCELLED: belonging to individuals.
PARD: the leopard.
PARITOR: an apparitor.
PARLE: talk.
PARLOUS: perilous.
PARTED: endowed, gifted.
PARTIZAN: a pike.
PASH: the face.
PASH: to strike violently, to bruise, crush.
PASS: to practice.
PASSANT: a term of heraldry, applied to animals.
: represented on the shield as passing by at a trot.
PASSING: surpassingly, exceedingly.
PASSION: to have feelings.
PASSIONATE: to suffer.
PASSY-MEASURE: a kind of dance.
PASTRY: the room where pastry was made.
PATCH: a mean fellow.
PATCHED: dressed in motley.
PATCHERY: trickery.
PATH: to walk.
PATHETICAL: affected, hypocritical.
PATIENT: to make patient, to compose.
PATINE: the metal disc on which the bread is placed.
PATTERN: to give an example of.
PAUCA VERBA: few words.
PAUCAS: few, a cant word.
PAVIN: a dance.
PAX: a small image of Christ.
PAY: to despatch.
PEAT: a term of endearment for a child.
PEDASCULE: a pedant, schoolmaster.
PEER: to peep out.
PEIZE: to balance, weigh down.
PELTING: paltry.
PERDU: lost.
PERDURABLE: durable.
PERDY: a euphemism for Par Dieu.
PERFECT: certain.
PERFECT: to inform perfectly.
PERIAPTS: charms worn round the neck.
PERJURE: a perjured person.
PERSEVER: to persevere.
PERSPECTIVE: a telescope, or some sort of optical glass.
PEW-FELLOW: a comrade.
PHEEZE: to comb, fleece, curry.
PIA-MATER: the membrane covering the brain, the brain.
PICK: to pitch, throw.
PICKED: chosen, selected.
PICKERS: (and stealers), the fingers, used ridiculously.
PICKING: insignificant.
PICKT-HATCH: a place noted for brothels. Merry Wives.
PIED: motley-coated.
PIELED: shaven.
PLIGHT: pitched.
PILCHER: a scabbard.
PILL: to pillage.
PIN: a malady of the eye.
PINFOLD: a pound, a place to confine lost cattle.
PIONED: digged.
PLACKET: a petticoat-front.
PLAIN SONG: a simple air.
PLAITED: intricate.
PLANCHED: made of boards.
PLANTATION: colonizing, planting a colony.
PLAUSIVE: plausible.
PLEACHED: interwoven.
POINT: a lace furnished with a tag by which the.
: breeches were held up.
POINT-DE-VICE: faultless.
POISE: balance.
POLLED: bare.
POMANDER: a perfumed ball.
POMEWATER: a kind of apple.
POOR-JOHN: a herring.
POPINJAY: a parrot.
PORT: pomp, state.
PORT: a gate.
PORTABLE: bearable.
PORTANCE: conduct, behavior.
POSSESS: to inform.
POTCH: to push violently.
POTENT: a potentate.
POUNCET-BOX: a box for holding perfumes.
POWER: forces, army.
PRACTISE: wicked stratagem.
PRACTISANT: a confederate.
PRANK: to dress up.
PRECEPT: a justice's summons.
PRECIOUSLY: in business of great importance.
PREGNANCY: fertility of invention.
PREGNANT: fertile of invention.
PRENOMINATE: to name beforehand, to prophesy.
PRE-ORDINANCE: old-established law.
PRESENCE: the presence-chamber.
PREST: ready.
PRETENCE: design.
PRETEND: to portend.
PREVENT: to anticipate.
PRICK: the mark denoting the hour on a dial.
PRICK: to incite.
PRICK-SONG: music sung in parts by note.
PRICKET: a stag of two years.
PRIDE: heat.
PRIG: to steal.
PRIME: rank, lecherous.
PRIMER: more-important.
PRIMERO: a game at cards.
PRINCIPALITY: that which holds the highest place.
PRINCOX: a coxcomb.
PRISER: a prize-fighter.
PROCURE: to bring.
PREFACE: interj. much good may it do you.
PROFANE: outspoken.
PROGRESS: a royal ceremonial journey.
PROJECT: to shape or contrive.
PROMPTURE: suggestion.
PRONE: ready, willing.
PROOF: strength of manhood.
PROPAGATE: to advance, to forward.
PROPAGATION: obtaining.
PROPER-FALSE: natural falsehood.
PROPERTIED: endowed with the properties of.
PROPERTIES: scenes, dresses, &c. used in a theatre.
PROPERTY: to take possession of.
PROPOSE: to suppose, for the sake of argument.
PROPOSE: conversation.
PROROGUE: to defer.
PROVAND: provender.
PROVISION: forecast.
PUCELLE: a virgin, the name given to Joan of Arc.
PUDENCY: modesty.
PUGGING: thieving.
PUN: to pound.
PURCHASE: to acquire, win.
PURCHASE: gain, winnings.
PUT: to compel.
PUTTER-ON: an instigator.
PUTTER-OUT: one who lends money at interest.
PUTTING-ON: instigation.
PUTTOCK: a kite.