Shakespeare Glossary: T
TABLE: a tablet, note-book.
TABLE-BOOK: note-book.
TABLES: backgammon.
TABOUR: a small side-drum.
TABOURER: a player on the tabour.
TABOURINE: tambourine, drum.
TAG: the rabble.
TAINT: tainted.
TAINTURE: defilement.
TAKE IN: to conquer.
TAKE OUT: to copy.
TAKE UP: raise, levy.
TAKING: malignant influence; state of agitation.
TAKING UP: buying on credit.
TALE: counting, reckoning.
TALL: strong, valiant.
TALLOW-CATCH: a lump of tallow.
TANG: twang, sound.
TANG: to sound.
TANLING: anything tanned by the sun.
TARRE: to excite, urge on.
TARTAR: Tartarus.
TASK: to lay a tax upon; to occupy fully.
TASKING: challenging.
TASTE: to try.
TAWDRY-LACE: a rustic necklace.
TAXATION: satire, sarcasm.
TAXING: satire.
TEEN: grief.
TELL: to count.
TEMPER: to mix.
TEMPERANCE: temperature.
TEMPERED: mixed.
TEND: to attend to.
TENDER: to offer; regard, care.
TENT (1): bed hangings.
TENT (2): to lodge.
TENT (3): to probe.
TENT (4): roll of lint usd to clean a wound.
TERCEL: the male of the goshawk.
TERMAGANT: a ranting character in old plays.
TESTED: pure, assayed.
TESTERN: to reward with a tester, or six-pence.
THARBOROUGH: a constable.
THEORICK: theory.
THEWES: sinews, muscles.
THICK: rapidly.
THICK-PLEACHED: thickly intertwined.
THIRD-BOROUGH: a constable.
THOUGHT: anxiety, grief.
THRASONICAL: boastful.
THREE-MAN BEETLE: a wooden mallet worked by three men.
THREE-MAN-SONG-MEN: singers of songs in three parts.
THREE-PILE: three-piled velvet.
THRENE: funeral song.
THRID: thread, fibre.
THROE: to put in agonies.
THRUM: the tufted end of a thread in weaving.
THRUMMED: made od coarse ends or tufts.
TICKLE: ticklish.
TIGHT: nimble, active.
TIGHTLY: briskly, promptly.
TIKE: a cur.
TILLY-VALLY: int. an exclamation of contempt.
TILTH: tillage.
TIMELESS: untimely.
TINCT: stain, dye.
TIRE (1): head-dress.
TIRE (2): to feed upon like a bird of prey.
TIRED: dressed, clothed.
TANG: twang, sound.
TOD: to yield a tod of wool.
TOKENED: marked with plague spots.
TOKENS: plague spots.
TOLL: to exact toll; to strike.
TOPLESS: supreme, without superior.
TOUCH: stroke; trait or feature; dash, spice; touchstone for testing gold.
TOUCHED: pricked.
TOUSE: to pull, drag.
TOWARD: nearly ready.
TOWARDS: nearly ready.
TOYS: trifles, foolish tricks.
TRADE: beaten path.
TRANECT: a ferry.
TRANSLATED: transformed.
TRASH: to cheque, as a huntsman his hounds.
TRAVAIL: labour, toil.
TRAY-TRIP: an old game played with dice.
TREACHERS: traitors.
TREATIES: entreaties.
TRENCHED: carved.
TRICK: custom, habit; art, knack; characteristic expression; touch.
TRICK: to adorn, dress up.
TRICKED: blazoned.
TRICKING: ornament.
TRICKSY: elegantly quaint.
TRIPLE: third.
TROJAN: a cant word for a thief.
TROL-MY-DAMES: a game using balls and arches.
TROTH-PLIGHT: betrothed.
TROW: to trust, think.
TRUE: honest.
TRUNDLE-TAIL: a long-tailed dog.
TUCKET-SONANCE: a flourish on the trumpet.
TUNDISH: a funnel.
TURLYGOOD: a name adopted by bedlam-beggars.
TURN: to modulate.
TWANGLING: twanging.
TWIGGEN: made of twigs, wicker.
TWILLED: Retained by woven branches.
TWINK: a twinkling.
TWIRE: to peep, twinkle.