Shakespeare's Characters: G
Please note that uppercase type indicates the stressed syllable.
Gadshill - [GADZ-hill] 1 Henry IV
Gallus - [GAL-us] Antony and Cleopatra
Gaoler - [JEY-ler] Cymbeline
Gaoler - The Merchant of Venice
Gaoler - The Two Noble Kinsmen
Gaoler - The Winter's Tale
Gardener - Richard II
Gardiner, Stephen - [GARD-nur] Henry VIII
Garter - Henry VIII
Gaunt, John of - [gawnt] Richard II
General - 1 Henry VI
Gentleman - Richard III
Gentlemen - 2 Henry VI
Gentleman - Hamlet
Gentleman - All's Well that Ends Well
Gentleman - Measure for Measure
Gentleman - King Lear
Gentleman - Pericles
Gentleman - Henry VIII
Gentleman - Cymbeline
Gentleman - The Winter's Tale
Gentleman - Two Noble Kinsmen
Gentleman Usher - Henry VIII
Gentlewoman - Macbeth
Gentlewoman - Coriolanus
George (Duke of Clarence) - Richard III
George - 2 Henry VI
Gertrude - Hamlet
Ghost - Richard III
Ghost - Hamlet
Ghost - Julius Caesar
Ghost (Banquo) - Macbeth
Girl (Margaret) - Richard III
Glansdale, Sir William - 1 Henry VI
Glendower, Owen - 1 Henry IV
Gloucester (Earl of) - [GLAWHS-tur] King Lear
Gloucester (Duchess of) - 2 Henry VI
Gloucester (Duke of) - 1,2 Henry VI/2 Henry IV/Henry V
Gloucester (Duchess of) - Richard II
Gloucester (Richard III) - Richard III
Gloucester (Thomas, Duke of) - Richard II
Gobbo, Launcelot - [GAWB-oh] The Merchant of Venice
Gobbo, Old - [GAWB-oh] The Merchant of Venice
Goneril - [GAWN-ur-il] King Lear
Gonzalo - [gun-ZAH-loh] The Tempest
Governor of Harfleur - Henry V
Governor of Paris - 1 Henry VI
Gower - Henry V
Gower, John - Pericles
Gower - 2 Henry IV
Grandpre - [grand-PREE] (Folio has Grand Pree) Henry V
Gratiano - [grahsh-ee-YAH-no] The Merchant of Venice
Gratiano - [grahsh-ee-YAH-no] Othello
Grave-diggers - Hamlet
Greene, Henry - Richard II
Gregory - Romeo and Juliet
Gremio - [GREEM-ee-oh] The Taming of the Shrew
Grey, Lady - 3 Henry VI
Grey, Sir Richard - Richard III
Grey, Thomas - Henry V
Griffith - Henry VIII
Groom - Richard II
Groom - 2 Henry IV
Grumio - [GROOM-ee-oh] The Taming of the Shrew
Guardsmen - Antony and Cleopatra
Guiderius - [gwih-DEER-ee-us, sometimes guy-DEER-ee-us] Cymbeline
Guildenstern - [GILL-din-sturn] Hamlet
Guilford, Sir Henry - [GIL-furd] Henry VIII
Gurney, James - [GER-nee] King John
Shakespeare Online's spelled pronunciation guide is based primarily on How to Pronounce the Names in Shakespeare by Theodora Ursula Irvine (1919). Note that the number of syllables in a name occasionally changes depending on metre and alternate pronunciations might be used depending on location (UK, southern US, etc.) and editor preference.
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