Shakespeare's Characters: H
Please note that uppercase type indicates the stressed syllable.
Haberdasher - [HAB-er-dash-er] The Taming of the Shrew
Hal, Prince - 1/2 Henry IV
Hamlet - Hamlet
Harcourt - [HAR-cort] 2 Henry IV
Harpy - The Tempest
Hastings, Pursuivant - Richard III
Hastings, Lord Ralph - 2 Henry IV
Hastings, Lord William - 3 Henry VI/Richard III
Headsman - The Comedy of Errors
Hecate - [HEK-ut] Macbeth
Hector - Troilus and Cressida
Helen - Troilus and Cressida
Helena - All's Well that Ends Well
Helena - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Helenus - Troilus and Cressida
Helicanus - [hell-ih-KAY-nus] Pericles
Henry, Prince - King John
Henry IV - 1/2 Henry IV
Henry V - Henry V
Henry VI - 1/2/3 Henry VI
Henry VIII - Henry VIII
Herald - 2 Henry VI
Herald - King John
Herald - Richard II
Herald - The Two Noble Kinsmen
Herald - Coriolanus
Herald - King Lear
Herbert, Sir Walter VI - Richard III
Hermia - [HUR-mee-uh] A Midsummer Night's Dream
Hermione - [hur-MIGH-uh-nee] The Winter's Tale
Hero - Much Ado About Nothing
Hippolyta - [hih-PAWL-ih-tuh] A Midsummer Night's Dream
Hippolyta - [hih-PAWL-ih-tuh] The Two Noble Kinsmen
Holland, Henry - 3 Henry VI
Holland, John - 2 Henry VI
Holofernes - [hawl-uh-FUR-neez] Love's Labour's Lost
Horatio - [huh-RAY-show] Hamlet
Horner, Thomas - 2 Henry VI
Hortensio - [hor-TEN-shee-oh] The Taming of the Shrew
Hortensius - [hor-TEN-shee-us sometimes hor-TEN-shus] Timon of Athens
Host - The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Host - The Merry Wives of Windsor
Hostess - 1/2 Henry IV/Henry V
Hostess - The Taming of the Shrew
Hostilius - [hos-STILL-ee-us] Timon of Athens
Hotspur - 1 Henry IV
Hubert - King John
Huntsman - The Taming of the Shrew
Huntsman - 3 Henry VI
Hymen - [HIGH-men] As You Like It
Shakespeare Online's spelled pronunciation guide is based primarily on How to Pronounce the Names in Shakespeare by Theodora Ursula Irvine (1919). Note that the number of syllables in a name occasionally changes depending on metre and alternate pronunciations might be used depending on location (UK, southern US, etc.) and editor preference.
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