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Shakespeare's Characters: N

Please note that uppercase type indicates the stressed syllable.

Nathaniel - [nah-THAHN-yel or nah-THAHN-ee-el] Love's Labour's Lost

Nathaniel - Taming of the Shrew

Neighbour - 2 Henry VI

Nell - The Comedy of Errors

Nell - The Two Noble Kinsmen

Nerissa - [neh-RISS-ah] The Merchant of Venice

Nestor - [NES-ter] Troilus and Cressida

Nicholas - The Taming of the Shrew

Nobleman - 3 Henry VI

Norfolk - [NOR-fuk] Richard III

Norfolk - Henry VIII

Norfolk - 3 Henry VI

Norfolk - Richard II

Northumberland - [nor-THUM-ber-lund] Richard II/1,2 Henry IV

Northumberland - 3 Henry VI

Northumberland - Richard III

Northumberland, Lady - 2 Henry IV

Northumberland, Siward - Macbeth

Nun - Measure for Measure

Nurse - Romeo and Juliet

Nurse - 3 Henry VI

Nurse - Titus Andronicus

Nym - [nim] Merry Wives of Windsor

Shakespeare Online's spelled pronunciation guide is based primarily on How to Pronounce the Names in Shakespeare by Theodora Ursula Irvine (1919). Note that the number of syllables in a name occasionally changes depending on metre and alternate pronunciations might be used depending on location (UK, southern US, etc.) and editor preference.


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